
At the Kairos Centre

“The depths of our own beings are not all sunlit; to see clearly, we must be willing to dive into the dark, inner abyss
and acknowledge the creatures we may find there.”

3 Year Certificate

3 Year training comprises of 2 stages. Stage 1 “The Mythic way” forms the personal orientation necessary for developing as a therapist, counsellor, and healer. Stage 2 forms the basis for ongoing study and practice of therapeutic interventions…

Short Courses

Developing practical skills for living consciously and mindfully with Self, others, and the World. These skills have been developed as part of the training program for Soul Centred Psychotherapy and can be applied in professional practice and also in daily living.

Course Requirements (3-year certificate)

The course runs from 7pm to 10pm on a weeknight over four terms each year, beginning February or July. The initial Mythic Way program runs for six terms over 18 months. The subsequent modules that make up the course requirements to practice as a Soul Centred Psychotherist are offered over a further period of six terms.

Attendance one or two full Sundays per term is also required. A minimum attendance of 90% is a basic requirement for the successful completion of the course. Written and practical assessment tasks are required for the successful completion of units. Trainees are required to engage in at least 50 hours of personal therapy to qualify for the Certificate.

Time commitment

A total of 6-8 hours per week

By the middle of the first term of study, trainees are required to meet regularly with at least one other person from the course to practise the various processes and engage in specific tasks. This usually involves another 2-3 hours weekly. Another 1-4 hours of processing time is required for journal writing, reflecting on the weekly session, and doing the recommended reading from the extensive booklist and handouts. In some units, there are homework tasks. This can involve reading theoretical material as well as engaging experiential processes which support the class work. Assessment tasks require another 6-8 hours.


Graduates of the course are eligible for membership of the ASCP, The Association of Soul Centred Psychotherapists Inc. [a constituent member association of PACFA, the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia]. The association sets professional and ethical guidelines that are in line with national accreditation for counselling and psychotherapy in Australia.

Entry Requirements

While there are no formal academic qualifications required for entry to the course, we are looking for mature people with a commitment to their own inner work. Some familiarity with the field of counselling and psychotherapy is assumed, either from personal therapy, as students or graduates of a related academic course, from personal study, or working in a related field. The course is also suitable for people currently practising as counsellors and psychotherapists who want to develop further in this area. If you are unsure about your qualifications, please contact us.

Selection for the course is by individual interview.

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